1 Peter 1:17
If you address as
Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct
yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth.
We are sojourners aliens on this earth. The apostle Peter says "during the time" of your stay on earth.
This stood out as a reminder of this very important truth. For believers in Jesus Christ we will be going to our true home, to Him who died for us, who rose from the dead for us and is now interceding for us at the right hand of the Father.
A truth that enables those in the world that are being persecuted for their faith in Christ to endure to the end. A truth that reminds all believers of this very short time we live on this earth.
This phrase “during the time of your stay on earth”… implies the reality that we are only temporarily here on earth and are going somewhere else. That somewhere else is home to be with You, Father. What great hope this gives us!
This stood out as a reminder of this very important truth. For believers in Jesus Christ we will be going to our true home, to Him who died for us, who rose from the dead for us and is now interceding for us at the right hand of the Father.
A truth that enables those in the world that are being persecuted for their faith in Christ to endure to the end. A truth that reminds all believers of this very short time we live on this earth.
This phrase “during the time of your stay on earth”… implies the reality that we are only temporarily here on earth and are going somewhere else. That somewhere else is home to be with You, Father. What great hope this gives us!
Your word refers to believers in Christ, the Risen as:
(Various translations use these
words here below in speaking of the faithful believers in Hebrews 11:13, and in Eph 2:19)
Jesus Christ, Your
Son, has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into His own
Kingdom. (Col.1:13)
We now belong to Him. to His kingdom, to live as citizens of
another country which is a heavenly country, a lasting city whose architect and
builder is God, Who has prepared that city for us (Hebrews 11:10, 14,16).
This is Truth: 1 Peter 1:3-5…God…. has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,….:4 to obtain an inheritance which
is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for
:5 who are protected
by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the
last time.
Note from the Hebrew Key Study Bible on 1 Peter 1:5 “We are
being guarded by God who is in heaven while through faith we are awaiting our
LIBERATION from earth”.
Henry Alford, (1810-1871) an English bible scholar chose this inscription for his tombstone, "the inn of a traveler on the way to Jerusalem".
Help me Father to walk mindful of the temporary life and journey
on this earth.
It is but a moment in eternity.
It is but a moment in eternity.
1 Peter 1:24 All flesh is like grass
And all its glory like
the flower of grass,
The grass withers,
And the flower falls
But the Word of the
LORD endures forever.