Thursday, December 5, 2013

Do Not Fear

Numbers 14:9,27
Two things stood out: Unbelief and grumbling; and the effect it has on our children.
God repeatedly told the Israelites through Joshua and Caleb …: 9”do not be not fear the people of the land”.
The LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron…:27 I have heard the complaints of the sons of Israel which they are making against Me.

God repeats “do not fear, do not be afraid” many times in the Bible as he did to the Israelites on entering the Promised Land. 
Why should we not be afraid? Because we have a Savior, the Risen Lord Jesus Christ who has conquered death, sin, the devil and the curse!
Fear is a spirit that brings death. Death that we may not recognize because it comes in so many different forms. When allowed to, it establishes itself in our soul. It feeds unbelief.

Jesus is our Warrior that has defeated completely all forms of fear and death. Think of Him who has Risen, the glorious, majestic Lord Jesus as when the Apostle John saw Him.
Rev:14 His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire
: 15 His feet were like burnished bronze when it has been made to glow in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of many waters…..
: 17 The Apostle John fell at His feet like a dead man…
And He said “Do not be afraid, I am the first and the last,
And the living One; and I was dead and behold, I am alive forevermore….” Rev 1:14-18

Keeping this vision of Jesus in our hearts and encouraging our own hearts as well as others with it, will stifle fear, unbelief and every kind of complaint. Jesus has already won the battles for us and is forever faithful to us who believe in Him. His plans for us are for good and not for evil….Jer 29:11.

Grumbling and complaining will influence our children, for they learn by our examples.
Ultimately the words of complaint are against the Lord who is able to turn everything around for good.
How much better to give them a vision of Jesus Christ, who is the Prince of Peace, and the One who is our Shepherd and loves us so very deeply?

Father, help us, Your beloved ones to “continually offer up a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that give thanks to Your name.” Hebrews 13:15