Friday, January 30, 2009

The World

This scripture amazes me, it has grabbed me today.
Gal 6:14 May it never be that I would boast except in our Lord Jesus Christ through whom the world has been crucified to me and I to the world.

What caught my attention was the thought, the truth, that "the world" has been crucified--to me. If it is crucified, it is dead. Only unlike Jesus, the world remains dead to me. It continues in death--to me. If it is dead, it wields no power over me. Worldly thoughts, thinking, opinion, pressures are all sifted by He Who I am one with. Because Jesus is living, He is alive, He is the truth, His thoughts have become my thoughts, His ways my way. He is living out His life in me. We are one, hidden as one in God.

The world has become dead to me--and I to the world. The earthly "I" was crucified with Christ (Rom 6:6). A new "I" was raised up to walk in newness of life (Rom 6); that "I" being one with the Resurrected Glorious Christ, Who is Lord, Whom I am hidden with in God.

Am I rambling Father? Remind me today that whatever I am doing, no matter how small a thing it is, You are not only with me, but You are I in me. The world is dead to me and the new I is alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Teach me, Father, in the practicality of life!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hidden in the head

Being hidden in Christ in God --what a place of safety, security, peace and love!
He is I (as Richard Wurmbrand has written) and the real I is He. We are united as one.
Col 2:10 And HE is the head of all rule and authority of every angelic principality and power.

That means, Father, that the enemy has to face the King of Glory when he comes to try to attack me. We are one. He is facing the Son of God Who has risen from the dead and defeated sin,death,the devil,and the curse. Christ's work is finished. Done. He lives gloriously within me, united with me and we are hidden in God.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Divine Love

Father, You say that You always lead us in His triumph. Christ our Redeemer, Christ our Deliverer, Christ our ALL. Christ Who has been raised from the dead, through uniting us to Him, always; You use the word always.
At all times when He leads us, He is triumphant in us through His Son.

You have very recently proven this to me, Lord. I sit here, quietly, immersed in Your Love; in the amazement of it’s power to change the heart. I thank You so much for the privilege of knowing this marvelous love, of possessing it.
Your Divine Love has given me a new kind of freedom in my relationships. No more condemnation and judgments, You have freed me! Your Love has set me free from the criticism, unto the liberty to love.

How wonderful it is Father, to truly accept and love another believer. If the Bride of Christ, with all its imperfections and peculiarities, is beautiful and lovely to You, why would I allow flesh to restrain Your Love to flow to other brothers and sisters in Christ?
As importantly, to the lost who walk in darkness.

The well of Your Grace is deep, without an end.

As Richard Wurmbrand says in his book “If Prison Walls Could Speak”, “He is I”.
You and I are united, we are one forever. I have died and my life is hidden with Christ in God. Col 3:3 May others know the effect of Your life being manifested from within because Truth says I am hidden with Your Son. We are one. Not because I am “trying” to be humble or kind etc., but because the Truth is “He is I”. The real life inside, within, is His.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


1 Cor 6:2 Do you not know that the saints will one day judge and govern the world? And if the world is to be judged and ruled by you, are you unworthy and incompetent to try such petty matters of the smallest courts of justice?
Do you not know that we are to judge angels?
Paul goes on to ask why believers seek the world to decide their disputes etc.
He asks if believers don't have people who are wise enough to settle things between one church member and the other.

We are going to judge and rule some day. You brought to my mind, Father, once again, how You are totally just and desire us to be so also.
Learning to be just in our decisions with others is important if we are going to be doing that in our reign with Your Son.

You brought to my mind how quickly I judge a situation with the kids -especially the little ones-not always thoroughly understanding all the facts and details. They want true justice-they are children and expect an adult to be just. They depend on it. They know when one is not. What does that teach them?

Also, you are speaking to me about Your Grace and mercy toward us that needs to be extended to others. To refuse the anger and judgement that sometimes rises up so quickly, so often out of impatience.
To treat them, judge their cases, with true justice, consistency, and for the good of all in the righteousness of Christ which is ours. We are His righteousness.

Therefore, Christ in us, sees these little ones and answers us with perfect justice when we turn to Your Son for His wisdom, which is at hand any given moment.

In all the small matters of daily living Jesus is within us, able to judge rightly so that we make decisions according to truth, not influenced by worldly passions, or worldly ideas and influences.
People are always crying out "unfair, not right", often out of anger , emotion or their own agenda; Your Spirit within us discerns. Sometimes though they are correct as to someone's wrong or unjust behavior.

Then Father, I know when You lead me, You will enable me to confront with a soft tongue that turns away anger, to have the boldness to speak up for righteousness.
I need to learn to do that. To not be afraid to confront. Thank You that is Your desire also for me. Allowing You to care for others with Your justice and divine Love. Release in me the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Perfect Love and perfect justice.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hidden in oneness

You are still talking to me about being “hidden". I am hidden with Christ in God.
When I am “with” somebody, I am with them..we are together. They are beside me either physically or in some kind of agreement.

But I am more than just “together” with Your Son, with You. Your word says that I am “united with Christ and am one spirit with Him." 1 Cor 6:17
You showed me once, when reading Rom 7:4, two pieces of metal being welded together, sparks flying everywhere. Having become forever one piece of metal. This is my union with You through the crucified body of Christ.

To me Father that means we are inseparable. “I in them and they in Me…” John 17:23


Father, I was thinking about the teaching I’ve been listening to about selfishness. How to begin to choose to think about others and not be so self centered and self conscious. To start where we are.
You brought to my mind the verse in Colossians 3:1-3. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
That’s what my life is...hidden with Christ in God. Lost in Him; for You say in the Amplified Bible that “I have died with Him as far as this world is concerned and You have given me a new life with Christ in God.” The real me, the real deal, is the person that is actually hidden in God….not by myself but WITH Christ.
That’s what my new life is in Jesus. Hidden in Him. Lost in Him in such a way that those whose presence I physically am with, experience Him. The real me is hidden and His life is having it’s way. The world comes to know Him and His love.
Quite frankly Father, that seems a long way off. But in keeping my eyes on You, I can say with Paul, “Thanks be to God who gives us the victory, through Our Lord Jesus Christ! He is my Savior, My Lord, and my Deliverer!

Friday, January 2, 2009


1Tim 1:13

Even though I was a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. :14 The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
Paul says this in his letter to Timothy.
Father, You were merciful toward Paul, You say because of his ignorance and unbelief. You extended Your wonderful super abundant overflowing (Rom 5:15) grace. Grace enough to turn him around, to change his mind, his thinking, his beliefs. To open his heart to truth.
In verses: 15 and 16 Paul says that he obtained mercy for the reason that in him, the worst of all sinners, Jesus Christ might show forth and display all His perfect long-suffering and patience for an example to encourage all those who would thereafter believe on Him for the gaining of eternal life.
What if, Father, we as believers extended the long-suffering toward other believers and even the lost, that You extend to us. This word, long-suffering, is derived from words that give the meaning of “long holding of the mind, before it gives room to action or passion.”
We already have perfect long-suffering within us in Christ Jesus. Do we believe this?
We are able to hold our minds in Him, to hold our minds to truth…realizing that we are but flesh and there are areas in everyone’s life that need His light, His power to overcome. To remember this can help us to extend God’s superabundant mercy and love toward those with whom we grow impatient of their ways, be they believers or the lost.

Father, when we as believers allow Your mercy, long-suffering and grace toward others to break forth from our heart, they will be encouraged and experience the faith and love that are in and through Christ, Our Living Lord.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Clear Pathway

Acts 22:20

“And when the blood of your martyr, Stephen, was shed, I stood there guarding the clothes of those who were killing him.”

Father, you brought to my mind as I read this, about when Paul met Stephen in heaven.
I sensed them embracing each other with a deep love. Was there memory of Paul’s approval of Stephen’s death? Did Stephen remember Paul watching him being stoned and even guarding the clothes of those who killed him? You gave me a sense of the deep love they must have felt for one another…they were free from earthly bindings. If the memory of earthly things or experiences are recalled in heaven, it seems there is only love and joy regarding them because of now being able to see the whole picture. From the beginning of earthly time to the end of it.

So, Father, I was thinking about the words we say to others, the way we treat others, especially other believers. I know Your Spirit is willing to help us, enable us NOW to lay aside the earthly emotions and barriers that keep us from embracing one another, whether it is an inward barrier or an outward one. Whether we are self-conscious or focusing on someone else’s faults and sins.

As Paul and Stephen must have been when they met, immersed in Your Divine Love, so also are we today. Your Holy Spirit always produces love that covers all transgressions.

It is finished. Sin was totally paid for on that Cross. We have a clear pathway, Jesus, to be able to at any moment come to Your loving arms. You will embrace and love us with Your perfect love..the same love that all believers have as they reunite in heaven.

Enable my heart to make a clear pathway also; for my sisters and brothers in Christ and all others You send to me.