Saturday, January 17, 2009


1 Cor 6:2 Do you not know that the saints will one day judge and govern the world? And if the world is to be judged and ruled by you, are you unworthy and incompetent to try such petty matters of the smallest courts of justice?
Do you not know that we are to judge angels?
Paul goes on to ask why believers seek the world to decide their disputes etc.
He asks if believers don't have people who are wise enough to settle things between one church member and the other.

We are going to judge and rule some day. You brought to my mind, Father, once again, how You are totally just and desire us to be so also.
Learning to be just in our decisions with others is important if we are going to be doing that in our reign with Your Son.

You brought to my mind how quickly I judge a situation with the kids -especially the little ones-not always thoroughly understanding all the facts and details. They want true justice-they are children and expect an adult to be just. They depend on it. They know when one is not. What does that teach them?

Also, you are speaking to me about Your Grace and mercy toward us that needs to be extended to others. To refuse the anger and judgement that sometimes rises up so quickly, so often out of impatience.
To treat them, judge their cases, with true justice, consistency, and for the good of all in the righteousness of Christ which is ours. We are His righteousness.

Therefore, Christ in us, sees these little ones and answers us with perfect justice when we turn to Your Son for His wisdom, which is at hand any given moment.

In all the small matters of daily living Jesus is within us, able to judge rightly so that we make decisions according to truth, not influenced by worldly passions, or worldly ideas and influences.
People are always crying out "unfair, not right", often out of anger , emotion or their own agenda; Your Spirit within us discerns. Sometimes though they are correct as to someone's wrong or unjust behavior.

Then Father, I know when You lead me, You will enable me to confront with a soft tongue that turns away anger, to have the boldness to speak up for righteousness.
I need to learn to do that. To not be afraid to confront. Thank You that is Your desire also for me. Allowing You to care for others with Your justice and divine Love. Release in me the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Perfect Love and perfect justice.

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