Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fulfill the Law of Christ

Gal 6:2 Bear one another's burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ.

As you brought this verse to me, my question was...Do you mean, Father, that I am to carry another’s heavy load that they carry? That doesn’t seem possible to me. I would be overloaded trying to carry all the loads I know people have in their lives. Burden makes me think of their problems.

But the amplified bible puts it this way, “Bear (endure, carry) one another’s burdens and troublesome moral faults, and in this way fulfill and observe perfectly the law of Christ, and complete what is lacking (in your obedience to it).

Now I can understand “endure.” The Holy Spirit helps us to endure all things.

You have just stated in verse :1 to restore our brothers in Christ in a humble manner when we see them in sin. In :10 you remind us to do what is for others spiritual good, being useful, profitable to them, and being a blessing to them.
Also in verse :3 You speak of not thinking ourselves “too important to condescend to shoulder another’s load” …this is speaking of pride that tells us we are better than another. Then we would only deceive, delude and cheat ourselves if we believed we were better.

The law of Christ is walking in His love, a law of freedom, liberty to love our brothers and sister wherever they are.

So putting all that together, it seems to me, Father, that Your love cares enough to have us reprove another that is in sin or error; in a spirit of gentleness and love, not thinking of ourselves as being superior to them (we would be cheated of a great blessing by feeling superior in any way ).

:2 In this way fulfill the law of Christ, and complete what is lacking (in your obedience to it).
This law is love, the freedom to love someone that has a burden; perhaps that sin has caused, or has some troublesome moral fault, or in his weakness, etc.

Freedom, the kind that the Love of Christ fills our heart with, has no trouble loving a person carrying a burden. When it sees the burden, that heart can complete what the flesh lacks and is unable to complete in the flesh; that heart of Christ’s within us can reveal His love,restoration and encouragement to draw that person to Christ, thereby fulfilling the law of Christ.

So yes, as You say Father, I am to carry another’s burden….in a manner that is on the yoke of Christ Himself, in Him, where there is NOW no condemnation, in Him where the Cross of Christ has already paid for all burdensome sin.

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