As easily as we go through a door, Father, Jesus ascended to Your throne and sat down at Your right hand. He transcends all time, it does not restrict Him or You.
Yesterday and today the “right hand of God” has come to my mind.
The right hand indicates a place of honor and authority.
The right hand of God meaning strength power and ability; inherent power, power residing in You by virtue of Your nature.
This gives me great confidence. Knowing how highly Jesus, my Savior is exalted, to the highest place of honor and authority in and above all creation.
From that exalted place, you see your children and know them. You stood up when Stephen became the first martyr, You saw the whole thing. He looked “intently” up into the heavens and saw Your glory and Your Son standing at Your right hand. You allowed Stephen to transcend the ties of earth to see Jesus in the last few moments of breadth so that He could be the first of many lives willingly given up for You. (Acts 7:55)
Christ Jesus is He Who died, yes, rather Who was raised, Who is at the right hand of God, Who also intercedes for us. (Rom 8:34)
There my risen Lord is. Talking to You about me. High in the Most High Heaven yet deep within my heart…knowing my every thought. What great love…what wonderful grace!
One sacrifice for sins for ALL time, and sat down at the right hand of God (Heb 10:12).
When Jesus sat down, it was finished. Sin was taken out of the path to You, no longer a barrier. It no longer is an issue. The battle is over and the battle has been won. Thank You, Father that Jesus did it for me. How grateful my heart is that You have made me to be Yours. My heart is humbled.
In 1 Pet 3:22 You say that Jesus "who is at the right hand, having gone into heaven , after angels and authorities and powers had been subjected to Him. "
All demons that try to create havoc in our lives, must bow to the Risen King. They have no power because we are hidden with Christ in You.
“His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away;
And His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed.” Dan 7:14
Remind me Father, as I go through my days, that Your Son is Risen and seated at Your right hand.
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