Eph 5:19 ..speaking to one another (yourselves) in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord.
20 Always giving thanks for ALL things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father.
“Making melody with your heart…..” I love that!
This is the “normal Christian life”….making melody with the heart. This is the life that You desire for us Father. To have a melody in our heart as we live in the present day. The present day of our job, our work, our relationships, and the challenges of life.
How can this be, Father? Life is not always easy.
Jesus. Jesus is the Light of the world. Jesus is the avenue by which the melody breaks forth, even when things are not what we want them to be. He brings His light, His perspective to every detail of our life.
Seeing Jesus, knowing Jesus, experiencing Jesus moment by moment is the joy of life.
Seeing Jesus in the scriptures enables us to see others through His eyes and allows our hearts to yield to His love. And what heart cannot help but rejoice in experiencing perfect divine love…and forgiveness?
I heard a preacher talk about “enjoying God, enjoying life, enjoying our family and friends”. Without the melody in our heart, that is most difficult to do. The Song that Jesus puts in our heart is one of love and acceptance and forgiveness.
Jesus is my Song.
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