Friday, February 5, 2010

Our Gifts

In thinking about 2 Tim 1:7 I can see why You Father has reminded your children about the power of Your spirit within us. We need to be reminded.

You have gifted Your Body with wonderful gifts that are to be used for Your glory and perfect will.

When the spirit of fear comes to intimidate us our gifts are not at your disposal but they are held in bondage by fear and intimidation. The one thing the enemy does not want to see is the Body of Christ flowing in the gifts bestowed on them by Your grace.

2 Tim 1:6 Paul tells Timothy to “kindle afresh the gift of God”.
In looking this up in the various translations, these are the words used:
Stir up
Fan into flame
Keep ablaze
Keep using. Let it grow, as a small flame grows into a fire.

One I particularly liked is:
Let that grace of God which is in you, given to you by my hands, have living power.

Wow. You, the Lord of all, are saying to us to use our gifts, keep using our gifts, and do not let them grow cold. They are part of our new DNA in Christ.

Thank you Father for the gifts you have bestowed on us. Keep reminding us and enabling us to use them for Your Kingdom.

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