John 4:22 And they were amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.
I looked up scribes on line; Bible says: They were men from all classes, merchants, artisans and laborers. Their authority did not come from ancestry or finances, but from their learning and studying for many years.
“By age 14 they had mastered the law and were thoroughly familiar with the scriptures. Thereafter they spent years in close association with scribal teachers, receiving lengthy instruction in personal conduct and application of the law in everyday situations.”
About age 40 they could be formally ordained as scribes.
Scribes were highly honored having the place of honor at important events; they were held in high respect and awe. They were thought to possess secret knowledge of the Lord’s power.
Father, you say that knowledge makes arrogant (1 Cor 8:1). These men had dedicated their lives to learning and teaching the law and the scriptures. They were considered as having this “secret” knowledge that no one else had.
With them being held in this kind of high esteem, it is truly amazing that the people in the synagogue when they heard Jesus, were “amazed at His teaching; for He was teaching them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.” They saw the difference in Jesus and the teaching of the scribes.
They saw authority in Him. Not just knowledge but authority. There is such a huge difference. Jesus spoke with the direct authority of the one who had sent Him, God the Father. This was the same God that these people worshipped but did not recognize Jesus as He who is the (Heb 1:3) “radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature.” They worshipped God but did not know Him.
Father, you have revealed Your wonderful Son to us who have believed. You have gifted us with His Spirit to lead us, to teach us the Word, and to guide us unto righteousness.
Reading the Bible to gain knowledge of it is a good thing; but going further and reading it to find Jesus in it, to seek His face, to be in His presence and to develop an intimate relationship with Him is our ultimate goal. For Jesus is ALL.
Jesus has given His own authority to those who believe in Him. That is why when the Holy Spirit speaks through us, the truth spoken has the authority to be effective and have an impact on the listener.
Thank you for the grace, Father, that will enable your children to listen and obey when You prompt us to speak.
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