Monday, January 17, 2011

I Shall Never Die

This a.m. the article in the VOM magazine, that Tom White wrote about “we will never die” came to my mind.

It struck me the way people, even myself, think of “dying” and call it that. It is correct in the sense of our physical body expiring and no longer useful. But as a child of the One true Living God that has called me out of darkness and into His marvelous light, as a believer in the Risen Christ, I desire that You, Father make me to live knowing the real me never, ever will die.

Jesus said in John 11:26 “Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”

The reality of this, is what I desire Father, for You to instill deeply within me. When thoughts of leaving this earth come, may they be thoughts and words that are of life not death. May they automatically think how absolutely wonderful it will be to finally get to go home; to be in the presence of Your glory, to worship You unhindered by flesh; to see Mom and believing friends that have gone on before me. To be living in an environment of purity and total light, not in a sin laden world.

To live in the reality of this truth is very valuable. The perspective of our life would change. The body becomes less precious to us. The things that seem so important or are so burdensome to us now, would not be that way because we would have a growing awareness of the temporary status of earthly life.

Is 40:7 The grass withers, the flower fades, Then the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Surely the people are grass.

We could know that one day we will look back and see clearly how You were working in us and in our circumstances to complete the work that You began in us to make us complete in Christ. (Col 1:28)You say in Psalm 92 that the righteous “will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green”.

We will not think of “growing older” as such a terrible thing as the world does, but as a part of a journey that we can accept, where we can still learn and grow, still be a useful child of Yours.

When You have fulfilled Your purposes for our life, help us to look forward to shedding this flesh and join all the other “witnesses” that have gone before us. By Your gracious Spirit we will be willing to give up this body and get on with real life!!

So Father I pray You weave into my heart the truth that “I shall never die”.

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