Monday, May 23, 2011


Luke 22:51

But Jesus answered and said “Stop”! No more of this” And He touched his ear and healed him.
John 18:10-11 tells us Peter is the one who cut the ear off and that the person’s name was Malchus.

On reading these passages the question came to mind…Malchus, did you believe Jesus after He touched your ear and it was healed perfectly? Will I see you when I go home and be able to ask you about your life after that happened?

This is what we know about him since his name is only mentioned one time in the bible.
Malchus was a slave of Caiaphas, the high priest who was a Sadducee (they didn’t believe in resurrection), and a bitter persecutor of Christians.
The name Malchus is of Hebrew origin and indicates he was an Israelite.
He had a relative also that was a slave of Caiaphas. (John 18:26)

So many of the miracles of Jesus resulted in the ones healed believing that He truly was the Christ.
And these believers became His followers. Was Malchus among them?

The Word does not tell us hardly anything about him and we cannot know for sure.

But Father, You made me to wonder if Malchus came to know Jesus and if so, some day we can have a good conversation about how Jesus changed his life with a touch.
I hope we can.

Father, I pray that as a believer in today's world You are able to touch others through the lives of your children who have the Spirit of the Risen Christ within them.

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