Sunday, September 16, 2012

Life Long Journey

Knowing Jesus is a life long journey.
In seeing what a “soothing aroma” the O.T. sacrifices were to You, Father, and thinking of the real authentic sacrifice in Jesus, You brought to my mind that there are an infinite number of things for us to discover about Jesus.

He is more precious than any jewel.

Like a perfectly cut diamond with its many facets, catching the light, shining brilliantly, continually revealing its beauty to those who see it, examine it, and study it.

 And so He is to us, only His beauty and majesty and brilliance infinitely surpasses anything on this earth or what man’s mind can imagine.

 There is no end to knowing Jesus, or of knowing His grace and love and experiencing them daily in our lives. Discovering the infinite facets of His life are truly the greatest life changing revelations a human being can have.

 What a privilege to know Him and to learn to walk in His light.


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