Sunday, January 27, 2013

I Will Take Nothing

2 Kings 5:16
Elisha said, “As the Lord lives, before whom I stand, I will take nothing.” And he urged him to take it, but he refused."

Prophets of those days did accept gifts but in this case Elisha wasn’t about to take some kind of pay or reward for what God had done. Naaman was a heathen and Elisha wanted him to see that this miracle was solely of the God of Isreal, the one true living God.

The glory was to belong totally to the LORD. "I will take nothing." Even when urged to do so.

This reminded me of two things:
…before whom I stand.
…I will take nothing.

Let us see God’s greatness, His holiness and majesty. Who can take any credit for anything He has done, or for that matter for any good that comes into our lives?  He alone works wonders..Ps (72:18)

We stand before a great and mighty God awesome in all His ways.
Father, may Your children bow before you in humility even as man showers praises may we "take nothing" from You.
Let us not take glory from the One whom we stand before. For You are God and there is no other.




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