Friday, July 3, 2009


You showed me today about marriage and that the Cross must be at the core of intimacy.
True intimacy with our spouse comes through our intimacy with You, Father. As we grow in our understanding of what You have done for us through Jesus’ death and Resurrection, we draw closer to You.
As we discover the grace (Rom 5:15) and deep love that you abundantly pour out on us, we are able to extend the same to our mate.
In realizing the forgiveness given to us at the Cross (Eph 4:32), we are able to forgive the most annoying or hurtful sins.
Calling on and receiving the super abundance of grace (Rom 5:17)available to us through the work of the Cross, our spiritual eyes are opened to see others as you see them.
As you see me, you see my mate. We are both covered by the blood of Jesus, fully accepted by you, fully loved.
Thank you Father that Your Holy Spirit will enable me to call out for the grace to accept and to love as You have loved me.

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