Thursday, February 10, 2011


1 John 3:21
He who practices the truth comes to the light so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought by God.

What does it mean to practice?
Webster says :
1 to do or perform often, customarily, habitually
2. a. to perform or work at repeatedly so as to become proficient
b.To train by repeated exercise

In other words to repeat something until we get really good at it.

The scriptures encourage Your children, Father, to practice truth, and as Paul says “all the things we have learned, heard, received, and seen in him.”

In thinking about that word “practice”, how often do we think that we are practicing something when we choose to tell the truth?

But actually, telling the truth does take practice. A lifetime of practice.

There is a scripture that always comes to mind that is seldom heard but actually applies to our struggle with truth.
Rom 3:4 “Let God be found true, and every man be found a liar.”
Someone might even sincerely think “I always tell the truth”. Yet the reality is that a sincere follower of Christ knows his own imperfections and is careful not to assume that he walks in 100 percent truth and transparency. However he knows he has the Helper, the Holy Spirit he can depend on. The longing to walk in truth comes because of sensitivity to the Living One within a believer.

To truly “practice” truth is to know the One who is the Truth.
Jesus said to Pilate “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.”
(John 18:37)
“I am the way, and the truth and the life;” (John 14:6)

The desire to know our Risen Christ Jesus, to understand what He has done for us at the Cross, will draw us to Truth, because He IS the Truth. And fellowship with Him brings light to the eyes of our heart enabling us to experience the perfect love He has poured out to us.
That love enables the Holy Spirit to have His way in our decisions to overcome lying and deception of every kind. In fact, knowing Jesus will cause us to hate these things and to draw on the Spirit’s power to turn away from them.

The most beautiful thing about telling the truth is that it places us in “light” as 1 John 3:21 states. And anytime we are in light we are able to walk in the works that You have prepared for us in and through Christ Jesus.(Eph 2:10)

These works will declare and reveal Your love for those who walk in darkness and do not have the truth to light their journey on this earth. You care deeply for every soul on this earth and are ready to receive and forgive them if they will open their heart to You.

Thank you Father,that You sent Jesus who is the Way,the Truth,and the Life.

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