Monday, November 21, 2011

Behold His Beauty

Ps 27:4
One thing I have asked of the Lord that I shall seek. That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life. To behold the beauty of the LORD and to meditate in His temple.

David asks the Lord for something and he says that He will seek it. To behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple. For the purpose of dwelling in the Lord’s house everyday of his life. Today, we as believers have the privilege of His indwelling us and having His presence continually. Do we behold His loveliness throughout our day?

a)To see, perceive.
b)To see by experience.
I like these two definitions.

a)To perceive: to attain awareness of or understanding of; to become aware of through the senses.
Your Spirit can enable us to become aware of Your beauty not only in nature, but in the eyes of a happy child, or a humble person, or an expression of love; or of any manifestation of Your Spirit in others.

You desire for us to see and be aware of Your beauty in this journey we are on in this earth. To behold it in the lives of other believers and appreciate it, whether it is their gifts at work or the joy You manifest in them. To see through the faulty humanness of mankind and to look through to the Spirit within of the Risen Christ, though outwardly not evident in the moment or season of their life, He is within and You have covered them with His blood, You have clothed them with the righteousness of Jesus.

You, Father, love them with unending love where they are at as a believer and this itself is truly beautiful.

b)Perceive: to see by experience.
What does it mean to experience Your beauty? Is this why David wanted to meditate in Your temple? To experience the beauty of Your life within?

Truly, Your life within a believer IS the most beautiful thing about a person.
A countenance alit with Your presence expresses the beauty of genuine joy (Ps 16:11 in Your presence is fullness of joy)

To experience Your forgiveness, thereby extending it to another, speaks to the beauty of the Cross of our Lord Jesus. ( Eph 4:32..forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has forgiven you…)

The beauty of communion with You restores peace and quietness to one’s soul.

The beauty of the Risen Lord within is full of splendor and glory.

May your church seek to behold this beauty and to meditate in Your temple.

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