Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Body Prepared

Hebrews 10:5
Hence, when He (Christ) entered into the world,
He said, "Sacrifices and offerings You have not desired, but a body You have prepared for Me;
:6 In burnt offerings and sin offerings You have taken no delight."

"But a body Thou has prepared for Me."

Jesus understood that the body He had was prepared for Him to make a better way for mankind to come into Your prescence.

It ripped open the veil that had so long separated man and God. After thousands of years,His body was received as the perfect offering to a Holy God.

Father, You did not make it complicated for us. You sent Your Son to this earth with a body that You prepared to go to the Cross and pay the penalty for our sins, for the sin of the whole world.

That is an amazing thing to me. And then I think of Your Body of believers, Your children.

You brought each into this world with a purpose and specific plan also. Each one so very loved and treasured by You.

Even a baby born half way around the world has a tiny little body that will fulfill Your purposes and plans in this dark world we live in.

As the Perfect Lamb, Jesus was willing to say "Behold, I have come to do Thy will, O God."

Thank You Father for preparing the body of Jesus so that by your grace today I may also say "Your will, Lord".

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