Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Unseen

Hebrews 11
:10 (speaking of Abraham) looking for the city....
:13... but having seen them,
:14 ..seeking a country...
:26 ..looking to the reward
:27 as seeing Him who is unseen

Speaking of Moses, the scripture says : "..he was looking to the reward." " seeing Him Who is unseen."
:26 "Looking" here means to turn the eyes away from things and fix them on some one thing.
To look at with steadfast mental gaze, to look attentively. This particular Greek word is
used one time in the N.T.

:27 .."as seeing Him who is unseen", which means "to perceive" and to i.e."become acquainted with by experience."
:10 Abraham's gaze was not just set on a city to settle in but on one that was eternal
whose architect was God.
:27 Moses kept his gaze on God who is unseen

Seeing (perceiving) the unseen and experiencing the reality of it. What does the unseen
hold for us? Without doubt, it holds the promises of a Mighty God to do the impossible; He who says "I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?" Jer 32:27
The saints of old "saw" the promises, experienced and embraced them and welcomed them.Their eyes were fixed on Your promises. The idea I get from the meaning of the words was like they kept staring and gazing and looking intently at what You had said would be.
Their gaze was so set that fear did not have an entrance into their hearts and they went
forward with You.

You say it best in :27 Motivated by faith he left Egypt behind him, being unawed and
undismayed by the wrath of the king; for he never flinched but held staunchly to his
purpose and endured steadfastly as one who gazed on Him, Who is invisible.

Today the promise that we have not seen come to past may seem far away. But being N.T. believers You remind me that we have given a better covenant in which all of Your promises are "yes" to us in Christ.(2 Cor 1:20).

Help me Father to keep my eyes on You and Your promises when my heart is tempted to look at circumstances or other things.
For You are God and there is no other. (Is 46:9)

1 comment:

Carissa said...

Mom, we fix our eyes on Jesus as we wait for many things. I love you, and this is a great post I will come back to when I need a dose of truth!