Monday, November 28, 2011

Throne of God

Ex 17:15;16

And Moses built an altar, and named it The Lord is My Banner; (Jehovah-Nissi)
:16 and he said, “The Lord has sworn: the Lord will have war against Amalek from generation to generation.”
NAS Literal note: “Because a hand is against the throne of the Lord….”
Ampl says “Because theirs is a hand against the throne of the Lord….”
Wow! I loved that!

Amalek’s (grandson of Esau) hand was against the throne of God because he was coming against the Israelites, God’s chosen people.
His attack was cruel. The Israelites were worn and tired and not fit for battle. He was interfering with God’s plan.

No hand can be lifted up against the throne of God and succeed!

Ps 2:2 The kings of the earth take their stand,
           And the rulers take counsel together
           Against the Lord and against His Anointed
     2:4 He who is enthroned in the heavens laughs,
          The Lord scoffs at them.

Acts 7:49 heaven is My throne and earth is the footstool of my feet
Hebrews 1:8 Your throne is forever and forever
Hebrews 4:16 let us draw near with confidence to the throne of Grace
Hebrews 8:1 (Jesus) taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens
Hebrews 12:2 and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God

Jesus is there at Your right hand, Father, and He has finished His work.
Rev 5:12;13“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain To receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.
To Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and dominion forever and ever.
The majestic throne of God is forever and forever and will always be. No plan of man can defeat Him who created all things for His purposes.
Rev 4:9 Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, To receive glory and honor and power;
For You did create all things, And because of Your will they existed, and were created.
Rev 15:3…“Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God, the Almighty; righteous and true are Your ways, King of the nations.

Rev 19:6…Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Behold His Beauty

Ps 27:4
One thing I have asked of the Lord that I shall seek. That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life. To behold the beauty of the LORD and to meditate in His temple.

David asks the Lord for something and he says that He will seek it. To behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple. For the purpose of dwelling in the Lord’s house everyday of his life. Today, we as believers have the privilege of His indwelling us and having His presence continually. Do we behold His loveliness throughout our day?

a)To see, perceive.
b)To see by experience.
I like these two definitions.

a)To perceive: to attain awareness of or understanding of; to become aware of through the senses.
Your Spirit can enable us to become aware of Your beauty not only in nature, but in the eyes of a happy child, or a humble person, or an expression of love; or of any manifestation of Your Spirit in others.

You desire for us to see and be aware of Your beauty in this journey we are on in this earth. To behold it in the lives of other believers and appreciate it, whether it is their gifts at work or the joy You manifest in them. To see through the faulty humanness of mankind and to look through to the Spirit within of the Risen Christ, though outwardly not evident in the moment or season of their life, He is within and You have covered them with His blood, You have clothed them with the righteousness of Jesus.

You, Father, love them with unending love where they are at as a believer and this itself is truly beautiful.

b)Perceive: to see by experience.
What does it mean to experience Your beauty? Is this why David wanted to meditate in Your temple? To experience the beauty of Your life within?

Truly, Your life within a believer IS the most beautiful thing about a person.
A countenance alit with Your presence expresses the beauty of genuine joy (Ps 16:11 in Your presence is fullness of joy)

To experience Your forgiveness, thereby extending it to another, speaks to the beauty of the Cross of our Lord Jesus. ( Eph 4:32..forgiving each other just as God in Christ also has forgiven you…)

The beauty of communion with You restores peace and quietness to one’s soul.

The beauty of the Risen Lord within is full of splendor and glory.

May your church seek to behold this beauty and to meditate in Your temple.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Recite It

Ex 17:14

The Lord said to Moses, "Write this in a book as a memorial, and recite (place in the ear of) it to Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven."
It is interesting that the Lord wanted Moses specifically to make sure Joshua knew that He would blot out, obliterate the memory of Amalek forever. God would deal with Amalek. He wanted Joshua especially to understand that Joshua did not have to fear this people, the Lord had already proclaimed their destruction.

Joshua was to be the next leader and a courageous warrior that lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. This was his first battle. In this victory God clearly showed that it was His power that won the battle over the enemy.

By “placing in the ear of” Joshua this reminder about Amalek, He was giving Joshua confidence in Him as his Banner; He was preparing him for the future.Fear would not hinder Joshua if he really understood that it was all God’s power that brings the victory.

A banner is something that you lift up. It is something that you lift your eyes up to see.
That is what God Almighty is to us. When our eyes our stayed on Him we will know without doubt that He is the One that will win the battle for us.

“…recite it to Joshua…” that means say this word to him more than once! Moses was to set it and place it into his ear. This Word would encourage and give him the faith to do what God had planned for him and for Israel.

The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two edged sword… (Hebrews 4:12). God has given us His word for the same purpose, to encourage and to build our faith; ….“for faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ”. (Romans 10:17)

The Bible also calls Jesus the Word.
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God…” (John 1:1)

Jesus is the Word that God has sent to us. When we set the words of Jesus into our ears and set Him at the center of our thoughts throughout the day, we will indeed walk in the “newness of life” (Romans 6:4) that He promises, for He has already won the battles of life for us. In Christ, our Risen Lord, it is finished!

Thank You Father for Your mercy and lovingkindness that follows us all the days of our lives.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I like this story, Father. You are truly a God who does reign as our Banner.

Ex 18:8
Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim.

The Israelites had arrived at Rephidim weary and thirsty. They had no water to drink and were grumbling against Moses that he had brought them out of Egypt only to die of thirst.
They were not only weary, but having come out of slavery, they were not warriors either.

You are so amazing Father how You show Yourself to be our Defender and Rescuer! Just as You brought them out of the darkness of slavery, even in their weariness and weakness, You show us today that You have done the same for us.

Col 2:13 For He delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His Beloved Son.

As the Israelites were to face the Amlekites:

Ex 18:10 So Moses said to Joshua “Choose men for us, and go out, fight against Amalek. Tomorrow I will station myself on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.”
: 11 So it came about when Moses held his hand up, that Israel prevailed, and when he let his hand down (rest), Amalek prevailed.
: 12 But Moses’ hands were heavy. Then they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it; and Aaron and Hur supported his hands, one on one side and one on the other. Thus his hands were steady until the sun set.
: 13 So Joshua overwhelmed (weakened) Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.
: 14 Write this in a book as a memorial, and recite (place it in the ear of) it to Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.
15 And Moses built an altar, and named it The Lord is My Banner.

I love this! It makes me think of how little we conquer without Jesus being our Banner, our Mighty Defender, and the One who truly has already conquered for us. There is no win for us without Jesus.
Moses simply believed, he depended on the fact that You would enable them to conquer if he followed Your leading. And so he sent Joshua and other men out to battle against the Amlekites, when they were not  warriors and were weary.
"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit", says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6)

Moses himself needed help and it was supplied by Aaron and Hur by holding his hands up. The fact that he sat down, to me, says that we can have “rest” in our battles. I know first of all it was the wisest thing to do since it would be easier for Aaron and Hur to keep Moses’hands up, but as we choose to allow Jesus to lead us and even face the “difficult” things in our lives with Him as our Banner, our own victory is resting in His Victory.

The Truth is that Jesus has already conquered death, sin, the curse, and the devil at the Cross. The total and complete expression of our worth to You, our God, of Your love for us, is demonstrated to us at Calvary where Jesus died and rose victoriously. He is always for us. He is always present to help us in time of need.
In our weariness, You and You alone are our strength.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.

Remind me also Father to “place in the ears of” our loved ones as well as other people in our world what great things our Mighty God does for us. This reminds me of passing the “Banner of the Lord” onto others that they may experience and know what a marvelous God You are!

Monday, October 24, 2011

True Manna


Exodus 16
Manna in Hebrew means “man” which means “who or what” and the word means “What is it?”

Jesus Christ is our manna.

Deut 8:3
And He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.
Matt 4:4
“But He answered and said, ‘It is written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God,’”

He knows what it means to be hungry physically.
Matt 4:2
After He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry.

He also knows the hunger of the human soul to fill the emptiness within it. This is a deep and desperate hunger that is never satisfied by anything of the world. It gnaws away at the poor as well as the wealthy; no material thing can satisfy it.

But praise to You, a Living God and Father, Jesus Christ is able and willing to come in like a flood and fill every dry and empty earthen vessel with His love, faith, and peace.

The Israelites were given manna to sustain them every day for 40 years and to demonstrate to them Your provision and care.

The JFB commentary had some interesting observations:
They gathered it and if they gathered much, when measured, had no excess, and he who gathered little had no lack. No matter what they gathered, it measured out to the need of the number of persons in the tent.
( Ex 16:18)
They would grind it between two millstones or beat it in the mortar, and boil it in the pot and make cakes with it. (Num 11:8)
The taste was as the taste of cakes baked with oil and like wafers with honey. (Ex 16:31)
And the manna ceased on the day after they had eaten some of the produce of the land, so that the sons of Israel no longer had manna… (Joshua 5:12)

Jesus will always provided our need.
Jesus was “crushed for our iniquities”.
Jesus is sweet as honey.
Jesus is always with us in this earthly journey of ours until the day we know Him fully in our heavenly home.

Thank you Father for the Bread of heaven that daily provides true life to your children.

Jesus is our manna!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


EX 14

:22 And the sons of Israel went through the midst of the sea on the dry land, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.

 :28 and the waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen, in respect to Pharaoh’s entire army that had gone into the sea after them; not even one of them remained.
:29 But the sons of Israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea, and the waters were like a wall to them on their right hand and on their left.
You are such a powerful and faithful God!! I was thinking that the Israelites certainly would not have ever thought of going through the sea themselves. It was a path that they would not even have considered.

And as your children today have choices to make in this earthly life of ours, the courage to make the best choices will often depend on our confidence and trust to rest in You, our Father who cares deeply, who loves us deeply, and who is more than willing to direct our path. (Prov 16:9) The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps.

When fear tries to keep us from stepping out and following Your leading, You enable us to remember the Red Sea experience and the Mighty God who delivered his people and receive His grace and love to go the way You desires us to follow.

Your desire is for your children to put all their confidence in You, the one and only Almighty God. And Almighty you truly are.

Jer 32:27 “Behold, I am the Lord God, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?”

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shiphrah and Pua

Exodus 1:15

Then the king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Pua :16 and He said “when you are helping the Hebrew women to give birth, and see them upon the birthstool, if it is a son, then you shall put him to death, but if it is a daughter, then she shall live.”

Shiphrah and Pua. These are two common women who You used, Father, to keep the Israelites on the course of Your eternal plan for them.

The king himself spoke to these two women. There was no one higher than the king in Egypt. It would be like the President of the U.S. himself calling me and having me come to the White House and telling me something that I had to do for him.

In trying to imagine what it was like to be summoned by the king, and told to murder babies, how did they feel, what were they thinking as they were leaving his presence?

Since your word says twice (Ex1:17, 21) that they “feared God” (reverenced) it seems to me when they left the king they knew in their hearts they could never do what he commanded. But what could they do? To them there was no option because they “feared God”. They had to do what they knew was right in His eyes.

And when the king summoned them again, he asked them, “Why have you done this thing and let the boys live?” So the midwives answered Pharaoh and said “"Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women; for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife can get to them."
(Ex 1:18,19)
The commentaries vary on whether this was the truth or not. There are many interpretations of this, one being that the Israelites “were under an extraordinary blessing of increase, which well be supposed to have this effect.” (Wesley)  Another says that their faith was inspired with courage to do what was right but blended with weakness in the way they answered. Whether it was truth, half truth or a lie, this is what they answered.

The Bible does not say anything about retribution upon them for disobeying the Pharaoh.
To me it seems that it would have really made him mad and want to punish them in some way for not doing what he asked. But he asked them why and this was their answer and You protected them.

Ex 1:20 So God was good to the midwives, and the people multiplied and became very mighty.
: 21 Because the midwives feared God He established households for them.

What struck me about this story the most was that these two women were an important part of Your overall plan for the destiny of the Israelites. You use everyday people. What courage You are able to impart to those who reverence Your name. To stand before the highest authority of the country and to maintain faithfulness to You in these circumstances is amazing. You do supply the courage in the moment of need.

Also, in thinking of our daily walk, this impresses one of the importance of hearing Your voice and obeying, because we certainly cannot see the overall effect of that obedience and how it plays in the work You are doing in this world.

Shiphrah and Pua were courageous, and so You Father who has given us the King of all Kings, are able to do in us what we are called to do also.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


In thinking of what it means to walk more deeply with You, You reminded me once again Father that it is not about trying to do better, to think of ways to do good toward others. There are so many “things” we sometimes think we “should” be doing or changes we need to make in our ways or our attitudes or thinking.

But You, my Faithful Father, reminded me that it is not about trying all the time.

This life is about Your Holy Spirit, Your Holy Presence within us, guiding our thoughts, our steps, and our actions. You know what is in the heart of all men. As we live our lives before you, You are very much aware of those around us who need a touch from You, who are suffering in their soul, who do not know how deeply you love them and how You desire to bless them.

And You being a merciful God, a loving Savior, and a helping and comforting Spirit within us, will guide

Your Presence is rest.
I love You Father.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Luke 22:51

But Jesus answered and said “Stop”! No more of this” And He touched his ear and healed him.
John 18:10-11 tells us Peter is the one who cut the ear off and that the person’s name was Malchus.

On reading these passages the question came to mind…Malchus, did you believe Jesus after He touched your ear and it was healed perfectly? Will I see you when I go home and be able to ask you about your life after that happened?

This is what we know about him since his name is only mentioned one time in the bible.
Malchus was a slave of Caiaphas, the high priest who was a Sadducee (they didn’t believe in resurrection), and a bitter persecutor of Christians.
The name Malchus is of Hebrew origin and indicates he was an Israelite.
He had a relative also that was a slave of Caiaphas. (John 18:26)

So many of the miracles of Jesus resulted in the ones healed believing that He truly was the Christ.
And these believers became His followers. Was Malchus among them?

The Word does not tell us hardly anything about him and we cannot know for sure.

But Father, You made me to wonder if Malchus came to know Jesus and if so, some day we can have a good conversation about how Jesus changed his life with a touch.
I hope we can.

Father, I pray that as a believer in today's world You are able to touch others through the lives of your children who have the Spirit of the Risen Christ within them.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Our Root

Proverbs 12:3,12;7
This Proverb contrasts the righteous and the wicked. Righteous means being right with the One true Living God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Wicked (7563) means one guilty of sin. Only Jesus can take away the guilt of sin.

The words “root, stand, established” stood out to me.
12:3 A man will not be established by wickedness,
       But the root of the righteous will not be moved.
12:12 The wicked desires the booty of evil men,
          But the root of the righteous yields fruit.
The word root (8328) in the Hebrew, when figuratively speaking of people, means firmness or permanence. This is an encouraging word.

So this particular Proverb speaks to my heart of the eternal, the permanence one’s hope and confidence can have in Christ Jesus. Because He has made us righteous in Him, we are permanently established in His righteousness and Truth which never changes.
Mistakes and failures do not change the root. It goes deep, it is firmly planted. It yields fruit even in old age. (Ps 92:14)

Our root will not be moved. Because of this our life can be whole, stable, and not shaken by the circumstances of life. Not that everything is easy. But when our heart knows that the One who created us has created the world (Col 1:16-17) and all that is in it for Himself, and He is able to hold it all together, we are encouraged to face our life and circumstances with great hope, patience, and strength. We know that if Jesus can hold the Universe together He certainly has no problem holding our lives together. Faith in Him will bring peace and rest.

Proverbs 12:7 The wicked are overthrown and are no more,
But the house of the righteous will stand.
This scripture speaks in a future tense. What our eyes cannot see, God does.

“House” can mean dwelling, habitation, body, family. He enables us to dwell, live in Him, in His life where the eternal is. If He says our “house” will stand, we can know that He is able to hold our lives together by His mighty power. We can be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might (Eph 6:10) while we keep our eyes focused on Him and His promise.

Father, enable your children to remember that You have established us in Christ Jesus, who IS Lord.
Rev 22:16 “I am the root and descendant of David, the bright Morning Star.”

Monday, May 2, 2011


:20 I do not ask in behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word
: that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in Us; that the world may believe that You did send Me.
:22 And the glory which You have given Me I have given to them: that they may be one, just as We are one.
Jesus says that the glory that He has been given by the Father, He has given to us believers. Wow. The Greek word for glory is #1391 doxa, something that belongs to Christ: “The absolutely perfect inward or personal excellency of Christ; the majesty”.

This is how we have any glory at all. In Christ, our Risen Lord alone do we have glory.
His indwelling us, His pure heart and character reveal glory to the world. He reveals His majesty in this world through His sheep, His Body.

And how do I walk in the glory of the Risen Christ? In this High Priestly prayer of Jesus, He prays about love, oneness, and unity.
:21 that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You, that they also may be in Us; that the world may believe that You did send Me.
23 I in them, and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, that the world may know that You did send Me, and did love them even as You did love Me

Our Savior desires for His own to walk in love and in the unity of true oneness. This reveals His glory.
Can we have oneness without His love indwelling us? 
His love is pure, without blemish. It continues to love based on what Jesus, our perfect Lamb has done and it unites, it draws believers into oneness because their eyes are on the Lamb and not on the imperfection of others.

In John 17:8 Jesus says that the word the Father gave to Him, His disciples received, and they truly understood that He came from the Father, and then they believed that He was sent by God. Truly understanding that Jesus was sent by God for the sake of man, is the beginning of knowing and understanding God’s deep love for us. Knowing Jesus changes the human heart forever!

This divine love that indwells believers is what shines, it is what is glorious, and is majestic in a way that nothing else on this earth is.
What is so amazing is that it does not have to make a big splash and to have the attention that the world thinks things of importance must have.

The glory can be in saying “I love you” from the heart when it is most difficult to say.
It can be remaining silent when we want to defend ourselves.
It can be yielding to someone else’s desires instead of getting our own way.
It can be having an open heart to people different than ourselves.
It can be giving with joy.
It all adds up to His life in us for He is our glory.

God has infinite ways of revealing Himself in believers. Each way is unique to the purpose and plan of His for the individual as well as His body. He uses us to reveal His Son and so draw people to Himself. Jesus is glory. When He is allowed to have His way the world will see it.

May Your Body, Father, truly understand that You sent Jesus so that we Your children, may be one
in Him and reveal His glory to this needy world.

Friday, April 15, 2011

More to Say

John 16:12

I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.
13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.

Jesus, wonderful Jesus that knows our hearts.
In the above passage He is preparing the hearts of the disciples for His departure from them. He did not want them to feel alone and fearful when He was not with them physically. He knew what their future would be. They would give their own lives for the sake of the gospel. They would be hated by many because the world hated Jesus. (John 15:18)

So He sent the Helper to guide them and keep them in truth. The Holy Spirit can only speak truth because He only says what the Father tells Him to say. He is not interested in speaking on His own.

Jesus knew they needed someone to be with them and to help them and comfort them, even as He had done. His presence alone must have comforted them and the love in His eyes when He looked at them, when He spoke to them, must have brought a great feeling of acceptance and love in their hearts. People are drawn to people that accept them; they want to be around them. And really, one will know whether they are accepted by the one they are with or if they are not accepted. That is why it is easy to come to Jesus, He takes us as we are. And the Holy Spirit tells us of this acceptance constantly.

The fact that Jesus tells His disciples that He had many more things to say to them but they could not bear them now, shows He knew where each one was spiritually, emotionally, and in every way.

Are there things that He is not ready to share with us yet? Being conscious of Him, being with Him and seeking Him makes Him our center from which we view the world and people around us. He is alive within each believer through His Holy Spirit and “He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil 1:6

In that work of perfecting us, He knows whether we are ready to receive truths about ourselves, our lives, our attitudes or anything else that He desires to do in us. His timing is perfect.

So although we don’t understand, we can trust in a God that is ever faithful! We can have the confidence that He is always with us and cares about us and willing to lead us into all truth through His Holy Spirit.

Thank you magnificent and glorious Lord for sending the Helper to enable us to walk in Your ways.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Jude 1:1-2
Jude, a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are the called, beloved in God the Father, and kept for Jesus Christ: 2 May mercy and peace and love be multiplied to you.

Reading this passage is a beautiful reminder to believers in Christ of who we are in Him.
Thank you for encouraging us so beautifully, affirming that our confidence in You is secure forever.
"To those who are the called, the beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ."

We are “the called”, speaks to me of the immense privilege of being Your child, elected by You even before the foundation of the world. (Eph 1:4).

We are loved by you so greatly that you call us Your “beloved in God the Father”, an
endearing way of saying that we are truly and deeply loved by You. You treasure your children and delight in them. Each one of us, that you know so well, is so special to you.

We are kept for Jesus; the word kept means taken care of, guarded by Him. This is another word that reminds me once again that my safety is not the absence of danger but the presence of Jesus Himself that is with me always.
Your mercy, peace and love are available to us in the fullest measure at any time of need.
We have only to ask.

Thank You Father for being our God; holy, faithful, and the only one true living God.
We can confidently trust you in all things!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Abide in My Love

John 15:9-11
:7 If you abide in me and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.
:8 My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.
:9 Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.
:10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love ; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love.
:11 These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.
1 John 4:16
We have come to know and have believed the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides in Him.

Abide in the Greek…3306..meno

Abide has the idea to remain, to continue to be present; to be held, kept, continually; to continue to be, not to perish, to last, endure.
In reference to state or condition---to remain as one, not to become another or different

This last meaning stands out in the sense that to abide in Christ makes me think of the believer's union with Him. We stay put in Him, in His love. We do not become something different than what He has created us to be. We are not different when circumstances become difficult, or the world has a negative opinion of us because of believing in Him, or mocks us, or ignores us or excludes us, or makes us  to feel put down in some way. Our feelings do not dominate us because the place where we dwell and abide is the most REAL place, the safest place we could ever be…in Christ who is in the Father; in their unfathomable, never-ending, deep love (John 17:26; 1 John 4:16). He keeps us there, His love envelopes us and constantly reassures us that we are extremely unique and important to Him.

Romans 7:4 Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, that you might be joined to another to Him who was raised from the dead, that you might bear fruit for God.

Thus being in union with our Risen Lord, which enables us to abide in Him, produces His perfect love flowing to the world we live in, it produces answers to prayers, fruit bearing (John 15:16), and a joy that is full.  Most importantly though the Father is glorified in the Son in whom we are abiding.

Thank You my wonderful Father, for loving us so much as to teach us to simply abide in You.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Our Helper

John 14:25
These things I have spoken to you, while abiding with you.
John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.
:27 Peace I leave you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

Father, You brought to my mind that the famous verse about peace, verse :27, comes right after your telling your disciples about not leaving them alone and sending the Holy Spirit.

I love the connection. We can have complete peace because You have not left us alone! The Holy Spirit is with us as long as we are on this earthly journey. Never ever are we alone!

The Spirit of the One True Living God is with us when we are sleeping, going for a walk, eating an ice cream cone, working in the garden, exercising; when fear tries to grip us, it has no legal right and though we may feel afraid, the Holy Spirit enables us to do what is right in the eyes of our Father. Strength is there if we will depend on You to provide it through Your Spirit.

You do not forsake us or ever leave us stranded (Hebrews 13:5). We have only to turn to You and Your Spirit is there to provide what is needed.

Not only is He present every single moment after salvation, but He brings to remembrance all that You have already told us, all that You have taught us. He is reminding us of what You have taught us to enable us to discern and also to speak truth to those around us.

I love that! No need to depend on an imperfect memory because Your Spirit will recall to our mind what is needed in the moment and at times we need only to ask.

Father, thank You so much that You have provided the Helper that dwells within us. You knew we needed Him in this modern world that we live in as much as the disciples needed Him because Jesus was about to leave this earth.
And thank You that we can have an intimate relationship with Him as we do with You. The Amplified Bible has these names for Him:
Comforter, Helper, Advocate, Counselor, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby….Spirit of Truth.

May He be all these things to the Body of Christ to raise the Church in America to a higher level of sensitivity to Your will.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Safe and Secure

John 14:18-20
: 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
: 19 After a little while the world will behold Me no more; but you will behold Me; because I live, you shall live also.
: 20 In that day you shall know that I am in My Father, and You in Me, and I in you.

In thinking of verse 20, I pictured my left hand spread open and the right hand being coupled and tucked into it and then another (me) coupled and tucked into the right hand.

It made me think of what I had read in Stacy Eldriges’s book, Captivating.
“Safety is not the absence of danger but the presence of Jesus.”

The whole truth is that Jesus is our source of safety and security. We can have the confidence that He loves us deeply and cares for us and is able to keep us safe and secure.

Turning to Jesus in those moments of fear, weakness, or temptation will make our life’s path more steady and true to our calling for we are “the called of Jesus Christ” (Rom 1:6).

I am in the greatest place of safety I can be that does not depend on location, circumstances, or anything else that we experience in this earthly journey. As Your child I am raised up and seated at Your right hand in Christ Jesus. (Eph 2:6)

Thank you for the abundant grace to turn away from fears that hold me back and to enable me to walk knowing that I am in Jesus, and Jesus is in You.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Obedience out of Faith

Romans 1:3-4
...concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh,
4 who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord,
5 through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles, for His name’s sake,
:6 and whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ

In Paul’s introduction to the book of Romans he speaks of Jesus
being declared the Son of God with power as a result of the resurrection from the dead.

In reading this passage Father, the words, “obedience of faith” stood out to me.

The thought that came to me immediately was that obedience comes out of real, living faith not morality. Morality is a good and right thing. But a person can have morality without faith in Your Son, Jesus. There are many people who live what they consider moral lives and have a religion that teaches that their morality is enough to satisfy their god.

500 years before Christ, a man in India named Siddhartha, thought that he found the life’s secret to happiness. He “taught his followers that they should be honest, make peace with their enemies, and avoid violence (even to animals and insects). He became known as the Buddha.” (taken from Story of the World)

In China, at the same time, a man named Confucius, seeing war and turmoil all around him, came to believe that even the poorest Chinese could have peace and happiness.
He became a wise teacher of the Chinese, teaching them to respect authority, to believe in obedience, kindness, and many other good and moral things. (Story of the World)

Morality definitely gives a person a better life. But what a difference when our faith in a Living God, who is victorious over death, is the central focus of our behavior. When we choose to live out of an intimacy with the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, we learn to have the confidence in His love and care for us based on what He has done and not on our own good life. No human being can ever be perfect enough in their behavior to satisfy a Holy God (Rom 3:23).

Jesus’ death and resurrection and His life in us through the Holy Spirit is what gives us true peace, joy, and happiness in this journey on earth. As a believer in the Risen Christ, we have received the grace, which pours forth out of its deep well within us, to bring about obedience.
He alone is worthy of glory and praise.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Enter into My Joy

Matt 24:21
"His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful slave; you were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things, enter into the joy of your master.’"

This caught my eye …enter into the joy of your master. I love you, Father. You are the very breath of life!

In reading this passage about entrusting the slaves with talents, it spoke to me about the use of our gifts and every other possession that we have.

You have gifted each one of your children with gifts to bless the body of Christ and to carry out the plan that You have for their life to grow the Kingdom of God.
Our possessions themselves, though we really enjoy having them and You delight to bless us with them, are also to be used for the same reasons as the talents.

But I really loved the fact that in utilizing our gifts and possessions as You direct us to, we will enter into Your joy.

Ps 16:11 You will make known to me the path of life. In Your presence there is fullness of joy; In Your right hand there are pleasures forever.

Joy is one of the things that the heart of man needs desperately. Perhaps because it is sought in the world and the things of the world many hearts still remain without its blessing.

But believers know You, Father, You who have reconciled us to Yourself through the blood of Jesus, our Risen Lord.

We have the privilege of Your Holy Spirit indwelling us. We have the fullness of joy within us! Even though we don’t “feel” it doesn’t mean it is not within us.

So what helps us experience Your joy more fully? As the passage in Matthew 24 relates,by using our talents we will enter into Your joy, which to me says we will experience real, genuine, true joy.What can be greater than the presence of God?

As we exercise those gifts, whether it is money or gifts or possessions, we are in the works “that God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them”. Eph 2:10

It is not a mystery, it is not a secret and it is not something unattainable for each believer.
Today, right now where we are, we can experience the joy of Your fullness by filling our mind, heart, and thoughts with Jesus!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Practicing Godliness

This a.m. “practice” came to my mind again and how when we seek to have the right heart attitude toward others we are practicing godliness. 1 Tim 4:7 “…discipline yourselves for the purpose of godliness.”

Not having a critical heart and not submitting to negative thoughts is practicing godliness. Rom 14:10; why do you judge your brother? Col 2:16 therefore no one is to act as your judge….

It came to my mind that sometimes we hide criticism in our hearts. It may not be vocalized but really if it is in our heart, then it poisons our thoughts, which will affect our attitude and feelings toward someone. Just because it is unspoken, does not mean criticism is not working its death not only in us, but in our relationship with others. It is something that we must view as alive and active and when given the liberty to reside within, it can destroy even our most precious relationships. The enemy is the master that rules it. He often is the author of negative thoughts. He hates loving relationships.

Father, You desire Your children to have a pure heart. 1 Tim 1:5 But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart, a good conscience, and sincere faith. A heart filled with the love and grace that You constantly pour out on us. Understanding Your grace helps us to have a different perspective than the world. You look at Your children and never ever condemn them.
Rom 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Your love for them never changes and You lovingly help them to grow. Help us to understand that believers are growing at different paces along their walk with You.
That the things I don’t understand about them, You do and still love them deeply.
I don’t have to understand why this or why that!

They belong to You and were created to serve You. You made each person different for Your own purposes. And the rough places, the blind spots in their walk with You, You can transform especially if we do not get in the way of that by judging and criticizing them. Instead, through upholding each other in prayer we can be (Phil 1:6) confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

When there are negative thoughts toward another we only hurt our relationship and we are not able to have the honesty, clarity, and confidence in one another that the Spirit is able to bring to love and friendship.

Each heart can decide to receive from You or not. But knowing that we are unconditionally loved will draw us more to You than anything else. Your love being expressed to one another from a pure and forgiving heart will do more than anything for us to be who You designed us to be. Without the barrier of judgment and criticism toward others we truly experience a liberty that is only in Christ Jesus.

Thank You for being the wonderful and awesome God and Father that You are to me.
You love me and have given to me and all others who have trusted Your Son the privilege of learning to walk with You.
Heb 5:14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


1 John 3:21
He who practices the truth comes to the light so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought by God.

What does it mean to practice?
Webster says :
1 to do or perform often, customarily, habitually
2. a. to perform or work at repeatedly so as to become proficient
b.To train by repeated exercise

In other words to repeat something until we get really good at it.

The scriptures encourage Your children, Father, to practice truth, and as Paul says “all the things we have learned, heard, received, and seen in him.”

In thinking about that word “practice”, how often do we think that we are practicing something when we choose to tell the truth?

But actually, telling the truth does take practice. A lifetime of practice.

There is a scripture that always comes to mind that is seldom heard but actually applies to our struggle with truth.
Rom 3:4 “Let God be found true, and every man be found a liar.”
Someone might even sincerely think “I always tell the truth”. Yet the reality is that a sincere follower of Christ knows his own imperfections and is careful not to assume that he walks in 100 percent truth and transparency. However he knows he has the Helper, the Holy Spirit he can depend on. The longing to walk in truth comes because of sensitivity to the Living One within a believer.

To truly “practice” truth is to know the One who is the Truth.
Jesus said to Pilate “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.”
(John 18:37)
“I am the way, and the truth and the life;” (John 14:6)

The desire to know our Risen Christ Jesus, to understand what He has done for us at the Cross, will draw us to Truth, because He IS the Truth. And fellowship with Him brings light to the eyes of our heart enabling us to experience the perfect love He has poured out to us.
That love enables the Holy Spirit to have His way in our decisions to overcome lying and deception of every kind. In fact, knowing Jesus will cause us to hate these things and to draw on the Spirit’s power to turn away from them.

The most beautiful thing about telling the truth is that it places us in “light” as 1 John 3:21 states. And anytime we are in light we are able to walk in the works that You have prepared for us in and through Christ Jesus.(Eph 2:10)

These works will declare and reveal Your love for those who walk in darkness and do not have the truth to light their journey on this earth. You care deeply for every soul on this earth and are ready to receive and forgive them if they will open their heart to You.

Thank you Father,that You sent Jesus who is the Way,the Truth,and the Life.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grave Clothes

John 11:41
So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.” sent me… He desired that those present would believe that You, Father had sent Your holy and righteous Son and that He stood before them. That He came directly to them from the Jehovah God that they worshiped.

If a person believes that Jesus was sent by You, Father, they will trust that what He says is true….I AM the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). They will know that these words are Your words also. They will know that You must deeply love them to send Him to pay for and forgive them of all of their sins thereby giving them a new life; a redeemed life from the past. (Col 1:13-14)

The past that is like the grave clothes that Jesus commanded the people “to take off” of Lazarus; the past that keeps people in the tomb and keeps them all bound up and chokes the life out of them. It is one of the greatest tools the enemy of our soul uses to bind us up.

But Jesus said in verse 44 …"take off the grave clothes and let him go".

Jesus is not about bondage but about freedom and resurrected life.

John 11:25-26
I AM the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies,
And everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Darkness does not Overcome His Life

His name, if it is the real one, is Rolo. In this month’s VOM newsletter his story is told. He joined the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) at the age of 14. They taught him the Marxist way and he was a guerrilla for 15 years. Then a pastor shared Christ with him and he became a Christian.

God has called him to the very deep jungles in Colombia, to the guerrilla camps to hand out Bibles and radios pretuned to Christian stations.

His story is amazing because he is compelled by the Spirit to give his life in the darkest of places. “There is a terrible oppression, it is total darkness,. You are afraid…not because of the wars, but because of an oppression of darkness, of fear.”

He goes into places that have not seen Christian workers for 30 years because they have been controlled by the guerrillas.

On reading this story, the lyrics from a song by Selah (Beautiful Terrible Cross) kept going through my mind. In fact, this song has resonated in my thoughts over and over for quite a while now.

There on that beautiful terrible cross tho darkness was strong on that hill,
you remain sovereign Lord still in control your perfect plan was fulfilled’

The same spiritual battle that was there at the Cross still rages over the souls of the lost.

The darkness is total darkness but this one person is sharing Jesus’ life. Even if there is a fear, the darkness does not have a hold on God’s children. It does not stop them from doing what the Spirit leads.

“His life is the light that keeps on shining in the darkness and the darkness did NOT overcome it.” John 1:5

Thank you Father for those who are truly sacrificing their lives for you TODAY.

If You Believe

John 11:40

Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you if you believe, you will see the glory of God?

Dead four days. Lazarus had died four days ago.

There is a lot to be said here and that has been said about this passage.
But Father, as I read the passage, the above quotation popped out to me.

“..if you believe, you WILL see the glory of God”

Isn’t that what miracles are all about? What You seem to be saying to me is that it is all about Your glory being made manifest in such a way that man can not take it from You.

Things that are humanly unexplainable… a mystery to the human mind….are able to declare Your glory without dispute.

IF you believe”….He made it so simple, uncomplicated in a way that brings rest and peace.

But it seems what we see, what we hear, or what we feel are the determinates that gauge our faith. Even though scripture clearly tells us that “faith is the assurance of things NOT seen”, we still fall into the trap of discouragement or anger at Him because of our unbelief, which really is the response to whatever our senses are screaming at us.

Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith who for the joy set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God,
:3 for consider Him who endured such hostility by sinners against Himself so that you do not grow weary and lose heart.
:4 You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin;

No, Father, I have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood.

You have already paid the price for unbelief and all sin. Your Spirit within us enables us to rise up and walk in the newness of Your life. Rested. Refreshed. Loved.

Friday, January 21, 2011


How blessed we are to have relationships, family, and friends that make are lives so much more rich. And Jesus is the One that holds these relationships together by His infinite love and mercy. That wonderous love for us is the glue that holds all things together.

It came to my mind this a.m. how Your Holy Spirit quiets my mouth when a thought comes to verbalize that which is not edifying to another. You have just kept me silent and its discarded into the “delete” bin. How liberating that is!
How grateful I am for Your grace to accept and love by Your Spirit in those moments that would speak forth things which would not speak love, but would speak disapproval, condemnation, or even small jabs that collectively create deep wounds.

(In the case of confronting sin, it is not wrong to confront sin, but it is most effective when done through Your love and wisdom. )

You have taught us that life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverb 18:21

Thank You Father for this wonderful truth and even more for the grace to enables us to “eat the fruit of it” when our words are guided by Your Spirit.

What continually flows through my mind is that “it is the Spirit that gives life.” (John 6:63)
Romans 8:6 “The mind set on the flesh is death but the mind set on the Spirit is life”.

It will bear fruit and conquer negative thoughts when we do as you command us to do.

Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, and if there is excellence and if
anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.

You are life!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

He cares

John 10:13

“He flees because he is a hireling, and is not concerned about the sheep.”

As I read this You brought to my mind, Father that courage does not run just because of someone being very brave but because of caring, because of love.

Even though we might not consider ourselves brave at all, we do have a Savior who is valiant. He resides within us. We have a Savior who has demonstrated His love for us and can do all things through us. He loves us deeply and our Shepherd cares for our every need.

Teach me to trust You and enable me to have courage when called upon to have it. To remember not to be concerned for my own life, for it is in Your mighty hand. To care enough to act in the moment of need in someone else’s life. To truly trust You even though fear seeks to kill every good deed You ask of us.

The hired hand ran because he didn’t care. Jesus laid down His life by His own initiative because He cares.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I Shall Never Die

This a.m. the article in the VOM magazine, that Tom White wrote about “we will never die” came to my mind.

It struck me the way people, even myself, think of “dying” and call it that. It is correct in the sense of our physical body expiring and no longer useful. But as a child of the One true Living God that has called me out of darkness and into His marvelous light, as a believer in the Risen Christ, I desire that You, Father make me to live knowing the real me never, ever will die.

Jesus said in John 11:26 “Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.”

The reality of this, is what I desire Father, for You to instill deeply within me. When thoughts of leaving this earth come, may they be thoughts and words that are of life not death. May they automatically think how absolutely wonderful it will be to finally get to go home; to be in the presence of Your glory, to worship You unhindered by flesh; to see Mom and believing friends that have gone on before me. To be living in an environment of purity and total light, not in a sin laden world.

To live in the reality of this truth is very valuable. The perspective of our life would change. The body becomes less precious to us. The things that seem so important or are so burdensome to us now, would not be that way because we would have a growing awareness of the temporary status of earthly life.

Is 40:7 The grass withers, the flower fades, Then the breath of the Lord blows upon it; Surely the people are grass.

We could know that one day we will look back and see clearly how You were working in us and in our circumstances to complete the work that You began in us to make us complete in Christ. (Col 1:28)You say in Psalm 92 that the righteous “will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green”.

We will not think of “growing older” as such a terrible thing as the world does, but as a part of a journey that we can accept, where we can still learn and grow, still be a useful child of Yours.

When You have fulfilled Your purposes for our life, help us to look forward to shedding this flesh and join all the other “witnesses” that have gone before us. By Your gracious Spirit we will be willing to give up this body and get on with real life!!

So Father I pray You weave into my heart the truth that “I shall never die”.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Matt 17:24-27

“But lest we give them offense, go to the sea, and throw in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a stater. Take that and give it to them for you and Me.”

Father, to me this is an amazing thing that Jesus does.
I wonder how this sounded to Peter at first. Apparently, after just having seen Jesus
transfigured and then curing the boy that the disciples failed to deliver because of their unbelief, Peter’s faith was in a place that it didn’t seem so far out or something to question.

If You told me to do the same, would I go to the sea (or even to the unknown) without questioning it?

Jesus did all kinds of miracles. In this one, it provided their own need. Even though Jesus explained to Peter that the “sons” are exempt he gave these orders to Peter in order “not to give offense." (:26)

I was thinking of the words that are used here in most of the translations-offense or stumble. They also mean to “be offended in one, to see in another what I disapprove of and what hinders me from acknowledging his authority.”
The amplified states it further as "to judge unfavorably and unjustly". If Jesus were not to pay the tax and not fulfill the law, He would be judged unfavorably, unjustly and so would possibly keep many from believing and acknowledging His authority and seeing Him for who He truly is, God.

Jesus knows the human heart.

Father, help me to not allow what I see in others to hinder my relationship with You.
Your love for them is as deep as it is for me. Your character and love do not change according to our experiences and our shortcomings. You are the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8)

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Jesus was praying and had Peter, James, and John with Him. Then, as the disciples were sleeping, He was transfigured and Elijah and Moses appeared with Him. They were talking to Him about “His departure which He was about to accomplish at Jerusalem.” (Luke 9:31)

Departure seems to say His leaving this earth through His death. They spoke of what that would accomplish. What did that accomplish?

Salvation and new life for mankind, forgiveness, hope, victory over sin, death, and all the disease and sickness that bound the human race. Jesus had been ministering healing everywhere He traveled. He had seen the sorrow and anguish that sickness and disease brought. He was full of compassion toward those who were suffering, not only spiritually but physically.

The physical healings many times brought the realization that He was all that He said He was, the Messiah, the great I AM, God.

Peter spoke (Mark 9:6) even though “he did not know what to answer; for they became terrified.” Luke 9:33 says “not realizing what he was saying.”

Even as Peter was speaking God overshadowed them with a bright cloud (Matt 17:5), not a dark one, but a bright cloud for He is Light.

“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.” (Matt 9:5)
“This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!” (Luke 9:35)

Matt 17:6-7 “And when the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were much afraid. And Jesus came to them and touched them and said, “Arise, and do not be afraid”.

Oh Father, You want us to listen to You. To comprehend, to perceive the Truth that You speak and so freely have given to us. You want us to arise, go forward and not to walk in fear. You desire that we know You first as Savior, Lord, and God.

You call to our remembrance that You also are our Healer. Your heart of love and compassion are ever before us. We are Your children and You are our God.

Arise with healing in Your wings, O Holy One of Israel!