Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Greater Grace

James 3:5 (NAS) The Spirit (capital S) which He has made to dwell in us jealously desires us.
:6 But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, "God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble."

Verse :5 is an interesting scripture. Reading the NAS version caused me to be in wonder that the Holy Spirit "jealously desires us". The word "desires" means to long for; to pursue with love, and has the idea of yearning in it.

Think of that! The Spirit of the Most High God longs for me, desires me, He wants ALL of me! Father, help me to hold that in my heart, the fact that You consder me so desirable!

And also that He feels the same about each of His me to remember how HE thinks about them so that I do not taint others view of them.

Looking at the various translations, some do not capitalize spirit therefore referring to
our own spirit rather than the Holy Spirit.

Both translations have meaning for me.

James 3:5 (NIV) Or do you think the Scripture says without reason that the spirit He caused to live in us envies intensely?

(JEB) Do you suppose the scripture speaks in vain when it says that there is a spirit in us which longs to envy?

In Chapter 4 James is speaking of wrong motives (lust, envy, etc) and seeking one's own pleasures, even in prayer. The results being conflicts and quarrels.

In :4 he states that friendhsip with the world is hostility toward God, and therefore an enemy of God.

Our flesh and pride tend toward the earthly emotion of envy and self seeking pleasures causing strife.

4:6 But He gives a greater grace.....(I liked this)

It seems to me, that these verses Father, after speaking of peoples' doublemindedness, are telling them that there is a greater grace through which they will be exalted.
The best kind of pleasure and joy come through a heart of humility.

You point to Your grace because You want us to know that You provide us the grace to humbly be content and not allow envy, strife or jealsousy to rule us.

Humbling ourselves enables gratitude and thanksgiving to flow from our hearts for what You have given to us and how You provide for us. Our eyes are not on what we do not have but on Your love that has provided our needs and even the pleasures we do enjoy.

Humility is so necessary in our walk with You and You are the only one who can grow us in this beautiful and rare gift. This will bless the Body of Our Risen Lord.

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