Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Secret Place

Hidden in a Secret Place

Col 3:3 You have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

This I love Father. You brought it to me again.
Hidden means to hide, conceal, be hid, escape notice.
My own life is concealed. My own life is to be hidden, my own life is to escape notice.
Metaphorically hidden is used as “to conceal (that it may not become known).

As You focused my eyes on this verse Father, You brought the thought to me that I have died and now that I died, I have life. To the world that absolutely does not make sense.
Now that I am dead, I have life.
Matt 5:14 You hide these things from the wise and intelligent and reveal them to babies.
(Col 2:3) You say that what also is “hidden” in Christ is “every treasure of wisdom and knowledge.
The word “hidden” in Col 2 has not only the idea of being concealed but also of “being stored up”. Stored up for Your children. You stored up for me all wisdom and knowledge.

Where is it? It is hidden in Whom I am hidden with in God.

You have a treasure for me that is accessible to me because I am hiding with Your Son in You, Father.

In this secret place of the Most High is where my life is and also is Christ and also all wisdom and knowledge.

What a wonderful place to be! It is a secret place. A safe place. A place of rest.

1 comment:

Carissa said...

I love reading your blog, mom. You are a beautiful writer expressing beautiful Truth.