Saturday, May 9, 2009


The word “blameless” alone is liberating. It is very personal.

In the Strong’s Concordance it is the Greek word , amomos#299, meaning
1. a sacrifice without spot or blemish
2. without blemish, faultless, without spot.
In Eph 1:4 Even as (in His love) He chose us-- actually picked us out for Himself as His own---in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless in His sight, even above reproach before Him in love…

This same exact word,used to describe believers, is used to describe Jesus’ blood in 1 Peter 1:19. It describes how we were ransomed…:19 but (you were purchased) with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ.

In Your eyes, Father, I am seen the same as how You view Your Son Jesus. Because He was the perfect sacrifice, I am seen by You as being perfect because of Him and being covered by His perfect blood.

Blameless, faultless, and without spot.

As believers we are able to take this truth very personally! It’s for me, to impact my life and to constantly remind me of Your unfathomable love.

It is such a beautiful and amazing truth. You are pleased and delighted when You look at me. No one will ever look at me with more perfect love than the way You look at me!
Your bride ( all believers) is beautiful to You.

You are the only one true living God. Thank you for Jesus who willingly made it possible for me to know You and be accepted by You. Thank You for the precious blood, the blood of Christ.

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