Friday, May 24, 2013

Continually With You

Ps 73:25 And besides You I desire nothing on earth.

This Psalm has the most beautiful expression of David’s knowledge that when his eyes and heart are on You, Your presence fulfills him.

In this Psalm His eyes are on the wicked and how they prosper and have the “good life”.
73:12 ..And always at ease, they have increased in wealth.

:21 My heart was embittered and I was pierced within.
His heart was “soured”, swollen with what his eyes were seeing. He was pierced, meaning like a sword that was “sharp” that had given him much pain.

But then his heart and mind are turned toward You our Mighty God.

These verses stood out:
:23 Nevertheles I am continually with you
:25 And besides You I desire nothing on this earth.
:28 But as for me, the nearness of God is my good

You are speaking to me about the presence of God fulfilling every hunger, every need that Your children have. Experiencing Your presence in our daily lives will bring great joy and contentment no matter how routine or troublesome the day is.  When we have our mind and heart set on You, Your love is actively working in us Your will and Your thoughts as we go through the day. 
Proverb 16:3 (amp) says that when we commit our works to You .. He will  cause your thoughts to be agreeable to His will. 

You are able to make us to live above the human emotions that hide Your face from us.
Thank You for Your presence and teaching me to walk in the awareness of Your life within.

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